Sunday, 18 March 2012

Birthdays and things

Well, it's Peter Graves' birthday today. I know, it's not really a birthday once someone is dead, but let's not think about that. I don't have a wonderful post prepared for my non-existent readers. It was also Mothering Sunday today, so I've spent the day being adored by my children, eating lunch out, having my buttonholes filled with daisies, and being given a card with a drawing of Jim from Mission: Impossible on it. How well my children know me :-)

So in lieu of coherence, I'll post some pictures from Fury. It's not the best series, but he is so pretty in it.
I need to do some Route 66 posts at some point. Went there for Peter Graves, stayed for the glory of the writing and the beauty of George Maharis. I have some screen shots on my tumblr, but I really need to do a proper post.

Doesn't he look like his brother here?

Is it just me,or is that a cigarette leant up on his foot?

Wednesday, 14 March 2012

Time for Pictures

Oh, sigh... Let's have a little picspam... I'd caption them, but everything I know is probably/possibly in the file names :-)

29th Annual Golden Globe Awards, 1972
29th Annual Golden Globe Awards, 1972

Older Peter

Being kissed by a whale (of course!)

Court Martial

Beneath the Twelve Mile Reef

At home in Pacific Palisades

A young Peter with brother James Arness

Publicity shot from Fury

In Fort Defiance

In Pacific Palisades, April 2008

Peter and wife Joan.

Young Peter from his Biography episode.

Texas Across the River, 1966

Lobby card for Wolf Larsen

Monday, 5 March 2012

Fashion Spasm! Mission: Impossible – Gitano

Season Four, Episode Eighteen – Original Air Date: 1 February 1970.

Victor, the teenaged king of a small European country, is in danger of being assassinated by the man he believes is his friend. In order to protect him and show him who are truly his friends and who his enemies, Jim conjures up gypsies, flamenco dancing, and the chance to disguise a highly embarrassed teenaged monarch as a girl for most of the episode.
I like the opening shot of this episode.

But then as we move into the Jim-picks-his-team routine, we notice a curious thing. Jim is wearing his lovely open-necked shirt and grey school jumper. We like this look (and by we, I mean I) – but, oh look! He’s wearing some kind of black, silky neckerchief too! I hardly know what to think of this. Why would casual, no-tie Jim decide to put this on? Was he playing dress-up when he suddenly remembered he needed to pick a team? It’s odd. But on the other hand, I like to think of grabbing it and tugging him across the room in a playful tussle that may end in – well, I won’t go there. But he does have an open fire and lots of nice rugs.

It has been pointed out to me that there is a certain Scooby-Doo element in this get up. This is true. Oh, Jim… But then, if you were going to go with any of the Scooby gang, surely it would be Fred.

Okay. I think I’ve acknowledged quietly to myself that the black neckerchief look is actually rather appealing. And then (brace yourself) – we get rugged-petrol-delivery-Jim. I like rugged-Jim as much as suave-Jim. Barney gets the kudos of hiding in a specially made compartment in the petrol tanker, while Jim gets to haul hose and drive a really big lorry and wear gloves.

What you might not be ready for is the rest of the gang. Paris in his lovely pink shirt and casual hat hanging down his back, speaking with a rather strained Spanish-esque accent.

And then Willy, with his head coverings and gold earrings. And who would have thought that Willy was an expert at playing Spanish guitar?

There are a few more attractive and interesting Jim moments to distract from the gypsy costumes. Thank god they didn’t dress him as a gypsy… (Actually, I could perhaps fancy gypsy/pirate-Jim…)

We get Dr Jim.

And also tourist-Jim, where Jim gazes at a piñata, among other things.

But final kudos must go to Barney, who is eminently sensibly dressed throughout. He gets his Barney-in-a-box moment in his specially constructed tanker-priest-hole, and does lots of fun Barney stuff that mostly involves crouching and tinkering. We love Barney (and by we, I mean I).